Young Professionals Group Updates

Mentoring Committee Update
Mentoring applications have been well received. Thanks to those of you who chose to be a mentor in guiding an upcoming industry professional. We are very grateful to you for sharing your knowledge and precious time.

Kudos to the wonderful Mentoring Committee chair Shelby Hoglund and committee members Antoine Abou Moussa, Natasha Dyer and Claire Dakhlia’s dedication in the arduous task of matching mentors and mentees. Watch out for the mentor matching emails in your inbox soon!

Save the Date - Next YPG Webinar in July
YPG Webinar Committee’s first webinar for the year is in the works. Save the date in your calendar - July 22,11:30-12:30 ET. Watch for a totally new topic the YPs chose to bring to light. Webinar topic and speakers’ details are forthcoming.

YP membership scholarship available
Application for the YP membership scholarship will be going live this week. Are you in the 18-35 age group? Ready to step into the composting industry? This is one good opportunity for you. Fill out the scholarship application form that is available in the Young Professionals page.