Learn more about the Compostable Field Testing Program

Established in 2016, the Compostable Field Testing Program (CFTP) is a non-profit collaboration between the CREF and BSIbio Packaging Solutions/BÉSICS (BSIbio) to field test compostable foodware across North America. The CFTP is a multi-year research project helping conduct on-the-ground field testing at active organics processing facilities. The program provides the test materials and method for any aerobic operator who wants to field test, and compiles results across facilities. The program enables compost manufacturers to answer their own questions about how specific materials may work in their operations, and at the same time contribute to a larger, broader understanding throughout the industry by submitting their data to the CFTP database. Once enough facilities participate, the anonymized results will be made available open-source. You can find more information on this program, and watch our one-hour webinar, via the CREF website: https://www.compostfoundation.org/FieldTesting.