Update on CREF’s Latest Research Project

Thanks to the amazing generosity of so many at COMPOST2020, we were able to start a new research project: Development of Compost Application ROI Library, which was started in 2020 when Ron Alexander, of R. Alexander Associates, Inc., was hired to do the work. The goal of the project is to assist companies that sell compost with information that can increase sales leading to greater compost use. Since then, Ron has been focused on the following:

1. Interviewing U.S. companies that sell compost to understand current marketing efforts.

2. Identifying data needed to support their efforts to inform their clients.

3. Selecting 10 target applications.

4. Reviewing published studies that address the target applications and interviewing experts with knowledge regarding the target applications.

5. Developing compost application data sheets for selected applications.

The plan is to have the ten application data sheets ready by the 2022 USCC annual conference. When that is completed, the CREF board of trustees will review whether a second phase of this project is needed, expanding the number of applications.