New Compost Manufacturing Industry Online Learning Platform to Launch with Exclusive Sponsorship by Vermeer

Vermeer Corporation, a global manufacturer of composting, industrial and agricultural equipment and longtime member of the US Composting Council (USCC), is providing critical financial support to launch the US Composting Council's new system for online learning.

The platform, called a Learning Management System (LMS) and to be named "Compost U," will enable the USCC and the Compost Research and Education Foundation (CREF) to significantly expand online training and industry education offerings. This LMS will enable the USCC to expand its training for state chapters as they grow.

Vermeer Corporation, founded in 1948,  has an international reputation for delivering high quality equipment and support to customers in more than 60 countries. With a focus on safety and service, Vermeer recognizes the need for a more comprehensive education on compost operations. In addition to being the exclusive sponsor of the LMS platform Vermeer will be providing key content for the LMS, including but not limited to educational resources related to safety and equipment maintenance.

As the compost industry expands nationally there is great demand for trained and certified compost operators and professionals who run safe, efficient, neighbor- and environment-friendly operations. Vermeer’s sponsorship of the launch of Compost U will help USCC and CREF to train the next generation of compost professionals.

Compost U will be hosted on Freestone LMS by Community Brands, the current host of the USCC's membership database and website.

The USCC's professional credential programs now boasts nearly 100 Certified Compost Operation Managers (CCOMs) and Certified Composting Professionals (CCPs). Each certified individual must participate in continuing education totaling 30 Professional Development Hours (PDHs) every three years. Compost U will be tied into the USCC’s database so that certificants’  PDHs will be automatically tracked through the certificants’ personal account.

USCC and CREF training and education resources, such as conference talks, webinars, short classes and new longer advanced courses will be integrated into Compost U, providing rich and meaningful content. Compost U will be launched by the end of the fall.