Certified Compost Operations Manager™ Spotlight: Wes Fitch

Wes Fitch is the Sustainability Manager for Turn, an organics hauler and processor in North Texas. Wes graduated Summa Cum Laude in Sustainability Science, Organizational Leadership and Business Management from Arizona State University in 2019. He came across Turn during its infancy shortly after writing a report on waste management practices in the region and highlighting the impact of organics recycling- he has since dedicated himself to creating green infrastructure in his community. Wes is also a LEED Green Associate and GRI Standards certified. 

As a young professional and recent graduate, I chose to pursue CCOM certification to enhance my credibility in an emerging industry and to expand my depth of knowledge. As both a hauler and processor, it is critical to have a deep understanding of the composting process, methodologies and technologies. Additionally, the inter/multi-disciplinary nature of organics recycling satisfies my interest in and passion for the application of the natural sciences, engineering, logistics, and many other disciplines or fields of study.