Join Our Virtual Lobbying Effort for the COMPOST Act

The next step to moving forward HR4443, the COMPOST Act which would designate compost/composting as a conservation practice for USDA farm programs and allot $2 billion in funding over 10 years for facilities and programs, is getting co-sponsors—and YOU can help!

We already have 10 chapters (see our state chapters here: working on this project; with a coordinator in each chapter, they are setting up virtual (Zoom/Teams/Google meet) meetings with staff of Members of Congress in their states. Each state has a "team” to work with the coordinator and attend these virtual meetings, at which they meet with staff and request (via a USCC-provided script) cosponsorship of HR4443. (See more about the Act in The Top of the Pile in this issue).

If you are from a non-USCC chapter state and are willing to coordinate an effort for your state (see the job description here), we can seek other members from your state to form a team with you. Read more about the cosponsor campaign here.

Email Linda Norris-Waldt, Advocacy Director, if you are interested or have questions.