Compost Manufacturers - Economic Study Survey Coming to Your Inbox

I want to bring to your attention the significance of participating in our Compost Industry Study. Our industry is growing, and we have not had accurate metrics to evaluate both the environmental impact and the economic impact that we have in the US. The time is now to participate in this critical study. Every Compost Manufacturer needs to be counted to move our industry forward, we need to understand where we are currently and what our potential impact can be in the future. As a compost manufacturer member,you will be receiving email correspondence see details below.

From: via SurveyMonkey |
Subject Line: Tell Us About your Compost Facility!
Date: This email should arrive on Monday, November 15

This past summer the USCC and the Environmental Research & Education Foundation (EREF) began the process of undertaking a critical step in advancing the Compost Industry. This project will be the first-ever in-depth study of commercial composting. This has been made possible by the underwriting of members and the Corporate Compost Leadership Council. The EREF will be facilitating the study, which will gather data that ranges from facility throughput, compost volume sold, employee headcount and other downstream financial impacts of the industry, to the current state of practice regarding equipment types, tipping fees, feedstock types and technologies.
Your specific data will be kept confidential and only the aggregated data will be made public in a report.  The final report will help paint a more complete picture of the industry (that is lacking now), thus providing needed figures for decision making by our Members and allied industries, policy makers and municipalities, and industry leaders. The report will also provide an analysis of program availability and an exhaustive facilities list will assist in infrastructure development.
Please participate in this vital project.
The future of our industry depends on it.

Frank Franciosi

Executive Director - US Composting Council