New Advocacy Web Pages & Tools

USCC unveiled a new suite of web pages this month that provides more user tools for members and composting advocates and organizes top composting issues for easier navigation.
The pages, which can be found at, will help advocates and visitors find information about state regulations and legislation more easily; provides guides on how to be better advocates and easy access to background on the most pressing issues facing composting. The revamped site meets member requests for more information to improve their ability to lobby for composting in their areas and nationwide.
A toolkit (find it here) provides sample letters to the editor and language about the importance of composting. It can be used in testifying in favor of compost facilities or programs. There is also a tip sheet on recommendations on testifying virtually and an “advocacy tracking form” so USCC can keep up with advocacy efforts.
For state issues, visitors can find resources under a section devoted to states, which is where most compost issues are regulated. The sections focused on “hot issues”, namely persistent herbicides and perfluoroalykl substances (PFAS), as well as extended producer responsibility and infrastructure development, consolidates resources on these issues.

Watch this video to get a quick tour.