Extended Producer Responsibility on the USCC Watch List

Anticipating that a number of bills will again be introduced putting Extended Producer Responsibility – a method of tapping product manufacturers to pay for costs of product disposal/recycling – the Legislative and Environmental Affairs Committee has appointed an EPR Task Force to determine proactive strategies to ensure positive impacts on composting.

The task force, made up of LEAC Chair Neil Edgar; Jeanette Hanna, BASF, David Fridland, Eco-Products, Laurie Hansen, Strategic Partners Group, Gary Robinson, TIPA, Janet Thoman, Compost Manufacturing Alliance, Rhodes Yepsen, BPI and staff Linda Norris-Waldt and Hessa Al Maghlouth, staff, is working to meet and/or serve as a resource to legislators who are introducing EPR bills to understand the position of compost manufacturers. Many of last years’ bills (including bills that passed in Maine and Oregon), included compostable products in those on which fees will be assessed, but did not clearly designate any funds for the composting industry that must grow to support them.

The group has sent letters to a number of legislators and is working on aligning positions of USCC and BPI on bill provisions, and preparing an article to be published in recycling publications to increase awareness of the composting position on the issue.

The Task Force would like additional compost manufacturer representation, and will likely do end its 2022 work after spring 2022.