NCCC presents U.S. Farm Bill/Compost Act Legislation Education Mashup

The North Carolina Composting Council presents U.S. Farm Bill/Compost Act Legislation Education Mashup. Get the 411 on the time-honored omnibus Farm Bill, learn about the brand new Compost Actin need of co-sponsors in Congress, and pick up tools to take action.
Do you care about compost and its benefits, but are concerned about the lack of collection, hauling and creation infrastructure?

Do you envision safe, stable and available food systems that lead all farms, farmers and communities to thrive? Do you wish you were more inspired and confident to reach out to legislators to influence their decisions, and the future?
If you answer YES to any of these, please join us for
this information packed 75-minute session
Tuesday, November 16
4:00 p.m. -5:15 p.m. EST