Certified Compost Professional™ Spotlight: Elly Ventura CCP™

Elly Ventura is with the Vegware US team as the Product & Zero Waste Specialist. Elly brings with her a decade of experience in the solid waste industry where her favorite topic was always organics management.  She holds a Compost Operator Certificate from the State of Vermont, a Certified Compost Professional status from the USCC, currently serves on the Board of the Composting Association of Vermont and is an uncompromising messenger of waste reduction practices. 

In Vermont, she helped earn a federal grant to renovate an existing composting site to compost food scraps. She climbed piles, informed design plans, and provided insight to recipe development and site logistics.  Along with the bricks and mortar of the composting facility, Elly also spearheaded the brand development and outreach campaigns for the new organics diversion program. To further support the success of the composting operation, Elly provided countless hours assisting old and new haulers in anything from customer recruitment, route efficiencies, compost processing options and customer education. 

Her collaborative and curious nature are her strongest assets and have brought her much success throughout her professional endeavors. 
Why I decided to pursue certification:
I was motivated to pursue the Certified Compost Professional program offered by the USCC as a way to demonstrate to processors out in the field that I am competent and will be a positive working partner with them.  My time planning, monitoring, and educating the public about the processes and benefits of compost proved to be not only gratifying but also worthy of professional credentials.  It was exciting to be able to apply the five years of commercial composting experience I gained towards a certificate program. As a member of the USCC, the certification program seemed like a logical next step in my professional path.