Texas Composting Council Holds First In-person Board Meeting

The Texas Composting Council (TXCC) held its first in-person board meeting in July at the Texas Organic (JB Soules Foods) headquarters in Tyler, TX. The board is organizing its membership program and committees. Front row, from left:

Front Row: Risa Weinberger, Risa Weinberger Associates; Lora Hinchcliff, Living Earth; Diana Frachiseur, Texas Organic; Denise Winter, New Earth/WeCare Denali

Back row; Steve Akers, Back to Nature Compost; John Soules, Texas Organic; David Lehfeldt, City of Corpus Christi; Sam Forester, President;  Coriann Kalsbeek, Green Cow Compost

Absent for the photo were board members Neil Gray, UT-Tyler; Dustin Deel, City of Weatherford; Marshall Dow, Silver Creek Materials