Chapters Spread the Compost Word at In Person Events This Year

It has been exciting to watch our chapters getting back to work with tours, compost giveaways, workshops and in-person events. We’ve been amazed watching these volunteers bring the message about the benefits of compost through summits and conferences!
California: The USCC’s chapter, the Association of Compost Producers, kicked off the chapter conference season with their inaugural Healthy Soil Summit, on May 3. They started with a program featuring eight organizations with a goal of forming a "California Healthy Soil Network." 
Colorado: The COCC spent months planning a day devoted to organics at the Colorado Recycling Association conference, which culminated in a daylong focus on composting called the Rocky Mountain Organics Summit on Aug. 26.
Tennessee: The day before Colorado, the TNCC organized an organics track at the Tennessee Recycling Association conference in August. Attendance surpassed expectations so much they had to bring extra chairs into the conference session rooms!
UPCOMING: Ohio (OHOC) and New Jersey (NJCC) still have conferences upcoming; New Jersey’s is in September (their fourth annual summit!) at Rutgers University, and Ohio’s is in November (Friday, Nov. 4 in Columbus).