USCC Releases Chapter Playbook

The US Composting Council has published a new resource for the formation, programming and growth of its expanding state chapters program with the release of the Chapter Playbook this month.
The Playbook provides background on the various types of chapter structures, an overview of chapter purpose and programming, and guidance for future states who are considering chapter formation. USCC currently has 14 state chapters and groups whose primary purpose reflects that of USCC’s in advocacy, engagement, and membership programs and services.
"Our chapters program is growing at a time when the industry is expanding as well,” said Frank Franciosi, Executive Director of the USCC. "Having this program guide for our state partners is critical to their success, as well as that of composting in the United States.”
State chapters play key roles in education of members, advocates and grassroots supporters in their states, and have also made critical inroads with state and federal legislators with the growing portfolio of legislation affecting the compost industry.
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