Kudos to our USCC Young Professionals Group!

Professional development is critical for the USCC - and for good reason - continuing education and certification not only helps career paths, it also provides the composting industry with knowledgeable and committed professionals who strengthen and build the business of composting.
The USCC Certification Commission recently collaborated with the Young Professionals Group for a combined breakfast at COMPOST2023. (Learn more about the success of our breakfast in the YP section of this newsletter.) Current Certified Compost Operations Managers, Certified Composting Professionals and young professionals connected to hear about the certification and learning opportunities offered by the US Composting Council.
The mission of the USCC Certification Commission is to develop and administer national, valid, credible, vendor neutral certification programs for organics recycling facility management which, in turn, benefits the community’s business and environmental outcomes. We greatly appreciate the USCC Young Professionals Group taking the time to learn the benefits of CCOM™ and CCP™ and consider their journey for lifelong career success.
Invest in your professional development through USCC Certification -- to learn more and start your application: www.certificationsuscc.org