YP Community Service Project at Huerta del Valle

Each year, the USCC Young Professionals Group members organize a local community service event in conjunction with the COMPOST conference. 

On Tuesday, January 24, the YP Volunteer Project Committee led a group of COMPOST2023 participants to Huerta del Valle, an Ontario, CA community garden working toward sustainable community empowerment and health: creating meaningful work, building lasting skills and developing strong relationships within the region.

There were 18 total participants in attendance, making it our best attended community service event to date! They enjoyed a lunch sourced directly from the garden, followed by a tour and history of the garden. As a group, the Young Professionals helped with maintenance of composting operations at Huerta del Valle by breaking down boxes, depackaging feedstock, and more! 

To learn more about Huerta del Valle, Founder and Director Maria Alonso, the wonderful team behind this community garden, and how to join us in supporting the movement, please visit their website. The YP Volunteer Project Committee is composed of Chair Jana Pearce and Committee Member Cindy Liles.