Emerging Composter Competition Winners Announced

This year’s top three winners of the YP Emerging Composter Competition were announced during the USCC Annual Awards Ceremony at COMPOST2023. Ten qualifying finalists created posters to be displayed in the USCC & CREF Networking Lounge in the Tradeshow Hall, where attendees were able to view the posters, scan QR codes to watch videos about the projects and vote for the favorites through the COMPOST2023 Mobile App. The winners are evaluated based on attendee votes and a scoring system from expert judges. 

If you were not able to attend COMPOST2023 in person, you will be able to learn about the projects by watching the videos linked under each poster. Join us in congratulating the winners below.

1st Place: Evolve, Greg Mankowski

Award: $2,500, Sponsored by BeyondGREEN Biotech

Watch Greg’s video here.


2nd Place: Crystal Coast Compost, Justin Brann

Award: $2,000, Sponsored by McGill SoilBuilder Compost

Watch Justin’s video here.


3rd Place: Juicycles, Jameson Meyst

Award: $1,500, Sponsored by St. Louis Composting, Inc.

Watch Jameson’s video here.