1. ADVOCATING: The Colorado Composting Council has been busy this winter/spring with a “truth in labeling” bill aimed at regulating compostable labeling to decrease contamination. A COCC leader, Clinton Sander, is representing the industry on the state’s advisory council for its Extended Producer Responsibility program which is in data gathering/planning stages now. The Ohio Organics Council (OHOC) has been working on arranging a meeting with federal representative on the Compost Act; MD-DC worked hard on a successful (albeit amended) bill to increase the footprint on which on-farm composting can happen Maryland; and the Florida Composting Council has launched out the gate with visits to the Florida Statehouse!
2. LEADING: The Iowa Composting Council elected its new board: Jennifer Trent - Chapter Director, John Foster - Chairperson; Abe Sandquist - Vice-Chairperson, Karmin McShane - Secretary, and directors Ken Miller, Jeff Phillips, Jeff Bradley and David Wittry.
3. EDUCATING: Mark your Calendar for the Midwest Composting School training event on June 20 - 22, 2023 in Ames, IA. Visit www.aep.iastate.edu/compost for more information.
4. EVENTS AND GRANT WRITING: The OHOC is waiting to hear – cross your fingers! – about a grant they worked on in Q1 to fund five live events hosted in Ohio, to showcase exemplary compost locations. Leaders Tim Steckel, Mary Wicks and Angel Arroyo-Rodriguez worked on the application.