While anyone can have compost tested to STA standards, only STA participants can receive a Compost Technical Data Sheet

Similar to a nutrition label, the STA Program’s Compost Technical Data Sheet (CTDS) includes test results, a list of ingredients, and recommended directions for use. There is no other compost testing program available to compost producers or compost buyers that give you this type of information. STA program certification help you sell more compost through consistent national lab standards, increased attention to the characteristics of your product, marketing tools, and ultimately increased customer confidence.

See this article from Greenroofs.com by Charles Duprey, founder and president of Naturcycle LLC. Drawing from his extensive personal experience and knowledge of the industry, his firm is focused on the sales and marketing of compost, engineered soils, and green roof media. Working with a variety of private and public entities, Naturcycle provides locally sourced material for landscapers, construction projects, and retail use throughout the northeastern United States, as well as consulting on the beneficial reuse of organics, engineered soil applications, and stormwater management projects all around the country.

Charles is an expert in green roof media design and manufacturing, with over fifteen years of experience developing and supplying some of the largest green roof and engineered soil projects in the Northeast, including the one-acre farm on the Javits Convention Center rooftop, green roofs from the Statue of Liberty Museum to the Boston Medical Center, and more. As a certified educator, he conducts professional development sessions on green infrastructure and sustainability for members of the American Society of Landscape Architects and has presented at conferences for the New York Solid Waste Association and the Water Environment Federation, among others.

Charles currently serves as a trustee for the Compost Research & Education Foundation. He is the former Vice Chair of the Market Development Committee of the United States Composting Council and is the co-chair of the USCC Seal of Testing Assurance Advisory Committee. He serves on many industry committees and has published several educational articles on a variety of related topics. He has both a B.S. and a B.A. from Syracuse University and resides in Central New York.

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