Don't Let This Be Your Last Compost Communicator

USCC Memberships Renewed July 1st. You can check to see if your membership is valid for the USCC's 2023/2024 membership year by visiting this link. All memberships need to be renewed by the end of July. Failure to renew will result in a loss of: 
♦ COTC Discounts
♦ Annual Conference Discounts for Attendance, Exhibition and Sponsorship
♦ This member newsletter, the COMPOST COMMUNICATOR
♦ Access to the membership portal. discussion forums and directory
♦ Seal of Testing Assurance Program Discounts
♦ Support of the USCC's Advocacy Efforts
♦ Board Eligibility
♦ Free Member Webinars
♦ Supporting USCC State Chapters through your membership dollars
♦ Certification Commission Discounts

We would hate to loose you as a member. Please check your payment status by visiting or by reaching out to or 301-897-2715.