YP of the Month - Jana Pearce

We are thrilled to highlight Jana Pearce as our YP of the Month! Jana serves as the Business Manager at BPI and is also the Chair of the USCC YP Volunteer Committee. 
Let's learn more about Jana's background in the compost world and her involvement with the YP Group and the USCC:
Background in the Compost World:

Jana's passion for composting began in her environmentally conscious household, where turning the compost pile was part of her chores. As an adult, she continued her commitment to home composting, even going as far as training her roommates and advocating for her home-composting setup with her HOA. Her career in environmental education led her to a small nature center, where she developed exhibits on consumer science, aiming to educate children about the product life cycle and the impact of their consumer choices. It was during this time that Jana realized her deep passion for sustainability and the composting industry. Through her research, she discovered BPI and found a perfect match for her passion and career goals. She is proud to support BPI's efforts to create better options for consumers, foster collaboration across the value chain and divert organic waste from landfills in partnership with composter organizations.

Involvement with the YP Group and the USCC:

Jana took on the role of Chair for the Volunteer Committee in the summer of 2021. Her interest in the USCC stemmed from a desire to work closely with composters, expand her knowledge of the value chain and build connections with industry professionals. Joining the YP program provided Jana with the opportunity to connect with peers in the early stages of their careers, fostering valuable friendships and gaining insights into the diverse work within the composting industry. Over the past two years, Jana has been grateful for the incredible members of her committee and the learning experiences they have shared together.

Congratulations to Jana Pearce for her outstanding contributions to the composting industry and her dedication to the YP Group and the USCC!