Ron Alexander Receives AAPFCO Award

Longtime USCC member and compost expert Ron Alexander, USCC’s representative on the Association of American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO), was awarded a Presidential Distinguished Service Award by that organization at its general meeting in Baltimore this month.
AAPFCO represents fertilizer, soil, and compost manufacturers, regulators, and government officials throughout the United States.
“This morning we the AAPFCO Board would like to recognize the contributions of an Industry Liaison who has provided outstanding service to the Association over the past 25 years," the  AAPFCO Board stated during the award presentation.
"His first reference of attendance at an Association of American Plant Food Control Officers annual meeting occurred in 1999. His service to the association started on the Environmental Affairs Committee and the Uniform Bills Committees in 1999 where he is still a member. Other committees he has served include the Labeling and Definitions Committee, which is now Terms and Definitions since 2004, he has also served in the Soil Amendment Subcommittee of Uniform Bills and the By-Products and Recycled Materials under Environmental Affairs.
His current position is President of R. Alexander Associates and also representing the US Composting Council, therefore, it is with great pleasure that the Officers and Board of Directors of the Association of Plant Food Controls award the Presidential Distinguished Service Award, and I would ask Ron Alexander to come forward as the recipient.
Thank you for your many years of dedicated service to the Association!”