YP of the Month – Tim Steckel

We are thrilled to highlight Tim Steckel as our YP of the Month! Tim is the founder of Compost Marketing Agency and is also the Chair of the USCC YP Mentor Committee.
Tim Steckel, the creative mind behind Compost Marketing Agency and a key player in the Ohio Organics Council, is transforming the composting landscape. With a thriving backyard compost site and a passion for red wigglers, Tim's dedication is infectious. Hosting impactful workshops on compost marketing and vermicomposting, he is igniting sustainability enthusiasm.
Beyond compost, Tim's microscope explores the realm of soil microbes, and his digital marketing expertise powers growth for organics recycling businesses. Using the hashtag #makecompostmainstream, Tim champions composting's importance.
As YP Mentoring Committee Chair and a dynamic member of the US Composting Council, Tim's commitment to a greener future shines. His vision of a compost-driven world aligns perfectly with USCC's mission. Stay tuned for Tim's insights. He's a true composting visionary making waves of change.
Congratulations to Tim Steckel for his outstanding contributions to the composting industry and his dedication to the YP Group and the USCC!