Don’t Spoil the Soil: The Challenge of Contamination at Composting Facilities | USCC & Composting Consortium Webinar


The Composting Consortium and its industry partner, USCC, invite you to attend the virtual launch of the report, Don't Spoil the Soil: The Challenge of Contamination at Composting Facilities. This webinar, scheduled for Wednesday, February 28 at 1 p.m. EST, will unveil, for the first time, the results of a national study that measures and characterizes contamination in organic feedstock and finished product—and analyzes the financial cost to composters for handling contamination.

What We'll Cover

About the Study

Conducted in partnership with full-scale compost manufacturers across the U.S., this study measured contamination across different points of the composters' process to understand common contaminants showing up at facilities and ending up in finished product. As the compost manufacturing industry advocates for support to address contamination, the Composting Consortium undertook this work to initiate an industry contamination rate baseline and support composters looking for solutions and advocacy support to mitigate contamination and advance more efficient operations.
