COTC Facility Tours Get an Audio Upgrade

  COTC Tour

Attendees at CREF’s Compost Operations Training Courses often cite local compost facility tours as one of the most valuable experiences of the training, allowing them to better understand how feedstocks, systems, equipment, and markets impact day-to-day operations. However, compost facilities are working sites with heavy equipment in use, which often makes it difficult for all 40+ COTC attendees to hear what our insightful tour guides have to share.

Fortunately, a recent upgrade has substantially enhanced the tour experience for COTC attendance. Through a generous contribution from Sustainable Generation, CREF was able to purchase a new tour audio system with individual headsets for each attendee to listen in on their tour guide. Going beyond a simple microphone-and-speaker setup, which is still subject to noise interference, the new headsets provide clear audio directly to each listener, making the information provided on tours more accessible. While using the new system at our last two COTCs, attendees were noticeably more engaged on the tour – it’s much easier to follow along when everything can easily be heard! We appreciate Sustainable Generation’s enthusiasm in supporting this initiative, and look forward to great facility tours for years to come.