Welcome New USCC Young Professionals Committee Leaders!

The USCC Young Professionals are excited to announce the new leadership team for the YP Committee. With their energy and expertise, they will help drive the group’s mission forward.

Katya Forsyth, Chair
Zero Foodprint

Katya is the healthy soils program manager at Zero Foodprint in Los Angeles and the assistant executive director of the California chapter of the USCC. They joined the YP group in 2022 and are a strong advocate for collaboration and compost education.

Joining Katya are the following new committee leaders:

Miranda Wolf
Miranda Wolf, Outreach subcommittee

Lauren Click
Lauren Click, Community service subcommittee
Let's Go Compost

Victor Romero
Victor Romero, Emerging composter subcommittee
Aldea Verde

We are also pleased to welcome back our returning leaders:

Aaron Friedman
Aaron Friedman-Heiman, Education subcommittee

Tim Steckel
Tim Steckel, Mentorship subcommittee
The Compost Marketing Agency

Coryanne Mansell
Coryanne Mansell

A special thank you to Coryanne for her leadership as YP Chair. Cory played a key role in ensuring a smooth transition and will continue to be involved with the YPs.

We also extend our gratitude to outgoing leaders Jana Pearce, Leilani Ching, and Antoine Abou Moussa for their hard work and commitment to the YPs.

Our new leaders bring diverse skills and fresh perspectives that will strengthen the YP program. We look forward to the continued growth of the YP community.

We encourage all young professionals in the composting industry to connect with the committee. Visit our YP page or email us to learn more about how you can get involved, attend events, and contribute to the future of composting.

Website: www.compostingcouncil.org/ypg

Email: youngprofessionalsgroup@compostingcouncil.com