Compost Communicator
From the Top of the Pile
By Frank Franciosi, Executive Director
The US Composting Council wishes everyone a happy International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW)! For years, the USCC has worked with the Compost Research & Education Foundation (CREF) to spread awareness for ICAW, and we would like to congratulate CREF on another successful year of outreach. The theme for ICAW 2024 is “COMPOST…Nature’s Climate Champion!”
While composting and organics recycling are well known as environmentally friendlier alternatives to sending organic waste to the landfill, many environmental benefits are still not as commonly known. Composting doesn’t just reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere; it sequesters carbon, saves water and optimizes nutrient retention in soil.
Edge Innovate (NI) Ltd.®
With decades of knowledge in the design, manufacturing and installation of mobile waste shredders, it is no surprise that EDGE Innovate’s VS420 twin shaft shredder has quickly gained a reputation as a world class shredder. The EDGE VS420 is a high capacity, high torque twin shaft waste shredder developed for ultimate versatility and high resistance to contaminants. An intelligent operating system which incorporates tramp metal protection provides the ultimate protection from contaminants and prevents asset damage.

USCC membership renewal launched this week. Please look for an email from with the subject line “Renew Your USCC Membership Today.” The USCC is stronger today than we have ever been, and the composting industry is stepping onto the national stage! The US Senate recently passed the Recycling and Composting Accountability Act, and over the past year, USCC staff, board members and members met with congressional offices and committees to request PFAS Superfund liability exemptions. For more than a year, the USCC’s lobbyist for these endeavors has been privately funded through generous special underwriting from a small number of members and drawing on the Council’s financial reserves.

All the collective organizing, networking, advocacy and developments in the compost industry are made possible by the tireless efforts of our volunteer committees, industry partners, staff, board members and members like you! It is through our combined voices in the Compost Action Center, state chapters, committee meetings and endeavors on Capitol Hill that we can affect the necessary changes for our industry to flourish.

Thank you for being a part of the USCC. We are honored to be trusted with representing you!

Renew Today
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  Matt Ball

Matt Ball, CCOMTM bids the US Composting Council farewell as Director of Industry Development to pursue other opportunities. The USCC board of directors, committee members, and fellow staff members wish him good fortune on his next ventures. 

During his time with the Council, Matt has made a major impact with establishing partnerships in the ASLA, NALP, and the USDA. He has also worked with the Market Development Committee on the rebranding of the STA CertifiedTM Compost Program. As the STA Program Manager, Matt has worked with both staff, the STA Advisory Committee and our STA Gateway Developer to close out Phase III of the gateway project. This year, Matt was the lead on organizing one of our most successful equipment demonstration days ever. Matt’s skill set and demeanor are some of his best traits. He will sorely be missed, but we wish him well on his next endeavor and hope he stays connected with the greater composting community. Let’s all wish Matt the best of luck.

Nearly 100 USCC members will be receiving a custom, private report of how their diversity, equity and inclusion practices measure up against others in the compost industry because they have taken USCC's benchmarking study survey.
This free survey is completely anonymous so that USCC can gather information on how widespread Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access (DEIA) practices are in our industry and what tools we need to provide our members to implement practices others are using. Diverse workforces and inclusive decision-making have proven to improve business bottom lines and project and product outcomes.
Click the button below to access the study.

The USCC and the NJCC state chapter have mutually agreed to terminate their affiliation. The NJCC will keep its name, though it is no longer a USCC State Chapter affiliate. The independent NJCC organization has stated it will remain committed to compost industry growth and advocacy.

Novolex Heritage Bag, LLC
Rotochopper, Inc.
For the second year, USCC is looking for members willing to host tours of their compost facility in August, when Congress is out of session. USCC's lobbying efforts have indicated that getting legislators at both the federal and state levels to see compost facilities is the number one way to increase our success with passing legislation!
The USCC will be hosting an informational virtual meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. EST on how you can set up a legislative compost facility tour in your area. Click the button below to register today.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking nominations for four positions on the Federal Advisory Committee for Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production. USDA will accept nominations from May 7, 2024, to July 7, 2024. The 12-member committee, which first convened in March 2022, is part of USDA’s efforts to increase support for urban agriculture and innovative production. Members of the Committee provide input on policy development and help identify barriers to urban agriculture as USDA works to promote urban farming and the economic opportunities it provides in cities across the country.
“The Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Committee has already submitted more than a dozen recommendations to the Secretary of Agriculture and continues to provide direct feedback to USDA about how to better serve producers and communities,” said Terry Cosby, Chief of USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), which oversees USDA’s Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production. “These new members will provide valuable input on innovative production, higher education, the supply chain, and urban farming to guide our programs and policies.”
ECS Compost Process Lab: Taking the guesswork out of composting
ECS Engineered Compost Systems®
What changes to your process would speed up making stable/low odor compost?  What are the tradeoffs for using less amendment?  How short can the active aeration period be and still achieve stability goals? We can quantitatively answers those questions and more by running trials with your feedstocks in our process lab.
Contact ECS to learn more.
Consider a personal learning strategy and create a blueprint for yourself
Certification, continuing education, and career path goals all strengthen you, your company, and the state you live in. How so? Having trained and knowledgeable people working in composting businesses on the local, regional, state and national levels helps consumers and communities feel confident about composting programs and the people who run them. That’s why utilizing USCC Professional Development Programs is in your direct interest and those around you.
Not sure where to start on a personal learning strategy? Get a little inspiration by taking a closer look at the broad range of high-value, career-focused opportunities and resources the USCC offers on our Professional Development page.
B.O.S.S. Compost Inc. produces organic compost and topsoil planter mixes from its manufacturing facilities located in Colorado. All B.O.S.S. Compost facilities utilize specially engineered compost turners to rotate, mix and inject oxygen into the compost windrows. This aeration helps to facilitate the aerobic bacterial breakdown of the organic feedstocks, heating the compost windrows to over 140 degrees Fahrenheit during the composting process and ensuring the pathogen elimination of E. coli and salmonella bacteria during windrow turning.
Learn more about the STA Program by clicking the button below.

The State Chapter Affiliates in Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, North Carolina, Texas and Virginia are recipients of the first awards in the Chapter Rewards Program, a USCC initiative to encourage state chapters to adopt best practices for greater effectiveness in their region.

In April, these chapters presented Best Practice Matrix forms to the Chapter Advisory Committee (CAC) for consideration. The $10,000 in additional support funding allocated to these chapters is a testament to their dedication to implementing proven strategies for success.

These awards, in which each qualifying state received a share of the $10,000 fund, are an addition to the standard rebate checks received by USCC chapters based on renewals and new member recruitment from their respective states.

"Congratulations to the winning chapters," said CAC Chair Kate Sullivan. "The CAC is excited about the program’s growth potential and looks forward to supporting all chapters in their pursuit of excellence."

REOTEMP Instruments
We want to hear from you! Take a moment to share your thoughts and help shape the future of the USCC Young Professionals Program. Our quick survey aims to gather valuable insights on your involvement, satisfaction, and ideas for improvement.
By participating, you will provide our steering committee with feedback that will guide us in enhancing our initiatives, events and collaborations. Whether you are a seasoned composting professional or new to the USCC, your opinion matters! Together, let's uplift and empower young professionals in the composting industry.
Click the button below to access the survey and make your voice heard. 
Thank you for your participation!
Mark your calendars! Our YP Summer Quarterly Call is just around the corner, scheduled for June 20, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. EST. 
Join us for an engaging discussion on planning efforts and future events led by the YP Steering Committee. This call is open to all Young Professionals and committee leads, offering a valuable opportunity to network, collaborate and shape the future of composting. Don't miss out on this chance to connect with industry leaders, gain insights and contribute to our vibrant community! 
The event is free to attend, but be sure to RSVP on our website to secure your spot.
Click below to register.
  Christine Wittmeier
  Christine Wittmeier

Christine’s passion for soil health was ignited during her time at Auburn University's soil testing laboratory, where she assisted graduate students in collecting and preparing soil samples for analysis. After completing her studies, she joined an environmental nonprofit, teaching waste reduction in schools and earning her certification as a North Carolina Certified Environmental Educator. In 2018, Christine was appointed as the Environmental Programs Coordinator for Henderson County, where she managed multiple organics programs, including a home compost bin sale, composting initiatives in six elementary schools, and a small Type 3 Composting Facility. Currently serving as the Organics Recycling Team Lead, she works to enhance the state's food recovery and organics recycling infrastructure by providing technical assistance, resources, and grant funding to private recycling businesses, nonprofits and local governments. In 2022, under her leadership, the NCDEQ launched "Use the Food NC," a statewide campaign aimed at reducing food waste.

Christine’s engagement with the YP Group started when she joined their mentorship program, an experience she found invaluable for gaining industry knowledge and expanding her professional network. She regularly attends the annual USCC Conference to reconnect with her mentor and has also participated in a YP community service project. Additionally, Christine has been active in networking events, such as the Happy Hour. She is grateful for the platform that USCC provides, recognizing that Young Professionals represent the future of the industry and appreciating the opportunities it affords for networking and professional growth.

Congratulations to Christine Wittmeier for her outstanding contributions to the composting industry and her dedication to the YP Group!

Sustainable Generation, an environmental technology company focused on improving processes for the compost industry, announced its collaboration with Compost Queen. Compost Queen will host a grand opening of its newest facility and headquarters in Fort Collins, Colorado. This endeavor marks Compost Queen’s fourth establishment in Fort Collins, being a significant stride towards sustainable waste management in the Northern Colorado community.
Scott Woods, CEO of Sustainable Generation, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, saying, “We are proud to partner with Compost Queen in their endeavor to divert food waste from landfills. Our SG MOBILE® System ensures efficient and odor-controlled composting, aligning perfectly with Compost Queen’s vision for a greener future and unique setting in an urban environment.”
Convertus Group (“Convertus”), a leader in sustainable waste management, is pleased to announce the strategic acquisition of the Freestate Farms Composting Facility in Manassas, Virginia. The facility, which was built and operated through a public-private partnership with Prince William County, is Convertus’ first composting facility in the United States, marking its expanding impact in the growing organic waste management sector.
Situated in the second most populated county in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Manassas-based composting facility is strategically positioned for growth. With a 20-year contract securing exclusive rights to yard waste, coupled with the recent implementation of a yard waste diversion mandate, the facility has the capacity to meet the growing demands of the region.
Rotochopper announces the addition of Mike Elling to the Rotochopper team as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). In this role, Mike will oversee all facets of the company’s financial functions and significantly impact the company’s growth, profitability and capital structure. As a partner to the CEO and the board of directors, Mike will help drive overall strategy with insight into accounting, audit and tax, finance, and information systems.
Mike brings over 20 years of leadership experience across diverse industries. In addition to holding financial roles in healthcare, he has an extensive background in operational and financial leadership in manufacturing. He served in progressing leadership roles at Stanley Black & Decker, first as plant controller, then as plant manager of an $80 million facility, and then as business unit controller spanning six North American, European and Asian facilities. As CFO of Tenamec, a company serving the scrap, demolition, mining and forestry industries, he led a brand turnaround, implemented targeted price increases and focused engineering on cost out re-design.
Learn how this Napa Valley winery improves soil health in their vineyards using CompostWatch Cloud. By incorporating compost, they’re improving the soil for unparalleled wine quality.
When the winery began its journey back in 1973, it was a modest operation with just four barrels of wine. Over the years, as the business grew and evolved, so did the need to focus on sustainability. From 2006 to 2008, the winery intensified its commitment to sustainability, which included a focus on composting. The challenge lay in finding efficient and effective ways to manage composting operations while maintaining the integrity of the soil, crucial for the longevity and quality of the vineyards.
Click the link below to learn how Reotemp's CompostWatch Cloud addressed these challenges and the results afterwards.
  USCC Membership Logo

April saw growth in the US Composting Council (USCC) Membership, with six new members, including Garick LLC, Wildfire Compost, Larson Consulting, King County/Solid Waste, City of Redding, US Equipment Sales & Rentals.  Please welcome the April cohort of new & returning members and reach out to them in the membership portal.

Sundance is thrilled to unveil its cutting-edge 48 Series Grinder, a game-changer for compost and mulch producers seeking efficiency, versatility, and cost-effectiveness.
Designed for Performance
Featuring a heavy-duty hammer mill and a simplified, efficient conveyor infeed, the 48 Series Grinder ensures seamless loading. With an 8-foot by 40-inch conveyor hopper, choose mobile or stationary units with multiple power source options.
Versatile Material Processing
From palm and hemp to wet leaves, grass, wood chips, and key materials for biogas, the 48 Series Grinder handles diverse organics, offering a comprehensive solution for various industries.
The Compost Market Manager is charged with developing and expanding compost use in the U.S. through the Seal of Testing of Program referred to as the STA CertifiedTM Compost Program, cultivating and maintaining relationships among program participants, specifiers, members, customers and committee members and working with staff to grow the use of compost, especially STA CertifiedTM Compost.
The NYS Association for Reduction, Reuse, & Recycling (NYSAR3) established a grant program for public and private K-12 schools for implementation or expansion of waste reduction, reuse, and recycling, composting programs, and outreach. Since 2005, NYSAR3 has awarded 100+ schools throughout New York State that have implemented a variety of successful programs that benefited schools across the state.
NYSAR3 is pleased to announce a new round of funds for 2024 for projects implemented during the 2024-2025 school year. Multiple projects will be awarded for a maximum of $1,000 per award. The goal of this grant program is to provide funds to K-12 schools to develop new programs and support existing programs related to the 3 R’s (reduce, reuse, and recycle), composting, and outreach. There is a limited pool of available funds and not all projects may be awarded; awarded projects may not receive the full funds requested. Special consideration will be given to schools located in an area identified as a disadvantaged community*. View map of communities here.
  ICAW Sponsors
  ICAW 2024 sponsors

It’s been a great week with so many people around the country and throughout the world celebrating ICAW 2024. This year, the message was clear that composting plays a meaningful part in addressing climate change. Building off our theme, "COMPOST…Nature’s Climate Champion," we spent the week highlighting different compost champions across the country. Thank you to everyone who spent so much time planning events and activities in their states or local communities, and thank you also to all the companies and organizations who were sponsors of ICAW this year. We honestly couldn’t accomplish all we do without their generous support.

After airing webinars on Jan. 17 and April 18, the CREF team is now two-thirds through our series on Composting Human Remains. Fresh off the heels of the first-ever conference on human remains composting (held by Return Home in Tacoma, WA on Feb. 21) and the inception of the National Organic Reduction Association, we are excited to be on the forefront of this rapidly-changing topic which lies at the unique intersection between the composting and death care industries.
Through the guidance of innovators in this field—including founders and staff of the pioneer facilities composting human bodies, legislators working for constituents to access this end-of-life option, and researchers shaping the methods used—this series has offered a multifaceted perspective on the evolving landscape of human remains composting. This topic is particularly thought-provoking and emotional since the discussion has shifted from composting something to composting someone. Going beyond the distinct considerations already present in composting animal bodies, this process must also account for love and loss when handling a cherished spouse, parent, child, or friend.
CREF’s Compostable Field-Testing Program (CFTP), a nonprofit collaboration between CREF and BSIbio Packaging Solutions/BÉSICS® (BSIbio), was in the news recently. On April 30, Coast Waste Management Association (CWMA)—a Canadian membership association serving the solid waste industry across British Columbia and beyond—hosted a virtual 90-minute session, "Field Testing Results for Compostability Presentation & Roundtable." The use of conventional single-use plastic packaging has long been a significant environmental challenge. Compostable packaging was created with a vision to give single-use products a circular lifecycle.
Established in 2016, CFTP was designed to field test compostable food ware. In clarification, lab scale/biodegradation testing deals with the micro-scale, while field testing/disintegration deals with the macro-scale. CFTP is, to our knowledge, the only nonprofit, research-focused field-testing project in the world.
Source: Leah Crowley, WPRI 12
A Massachusetts company is working with the city of Attleboro to repurpose residents’ food scraps. Solid waste manager Cheryl Perry says the city is working with Black Earth Compost and just received two bins from the company to collect the biodegradable waste. Anyone who lives in Attleboro can now drop off their organic waste at the Compost Center at 29 Pond Street North. Things like fruits, vegetables, coffee grounds and egg shells can all be dropped off at the center to eventually become compost.
Source: Greta Kraul, Star Tribune
An east metro food scraps pickup program that lets residents throw their compostable waste in the trash is now available in five more Washington County communities. Under the program, residents of some Ramsey and Washington County cities can order free food scraps bags, fill them with compostables, tie them shut and throw them in their curbside trash carts. At the counties' Recycling and Energy Center, AI-powered robotic arms identify the food scrap bags by color and size and pull them out of the trash stream to be turned into compost. As of April 1, the Food Scraps Pickup Program is available in Grey Cloud Island Township, Landfall, Oakdale, St. Paul Park and Woodbury in addition to Maplewood, North St. Paul, Cottage Grove and Newport, where it was previously available.
Source: Kim Miller, City of Asheville
The City of Asheville and Buncombe County received an award from the Carolina Recycling Association for the Food Scraps Drop-Off Pilot Program. The 2024 Annual Awards seek to recognize projects that are innovative, cutting-edge, and impactful to waste reduction in the Carolinas.
NEW YORK, April 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On April 16, the Composting Consortium, an industry collaboration led by the Center for the Circular Economy at Closed Loop Partners, released a groundbreaking report that fills a critical data gap for the U.S. composting industry: how well does certified, food-contact compostable packaging actually break down in real-world composting facilities? The report, "Breaking It Down: The Realities of Compostable Packaging Disintegration in Composting Systems," shares findings from an 18-month study––the largest known field test of certified, food-contact compostable packaging conducted in North America––revealing the realities of compostable plastic and fiber disintegration in diverse in-field composting conditions.
Upcoming Events
May 2024
This five-day course gives you the knowledge you need to run a successful composting facility, whether you’re just getting started or have been composting for a while. In addition to in-depth lectures by nationally-recognized instructors, you'll gain practical experience through hands-on activities, including a team pile build and monitoring, as well as tours to local facilities, where the theories meet reality. From compost operators to environmental and agricultural consultants to local and state regulators; the COTC is for anyone who wants quality instruction from leading composting professionals and educators on the art and science of commercial-scale compost production and marketing. **SOLD OUT**
May 2024
The annual Federation of New York Solid Waste Associations Conference with Trade Show at The Sagamore on Lake George has become a regional event. The "Who’s Who" of private and public New York professionals routinely attend for continuing education and equipment updates, and the value of networking with peers who have spent their careers in materials management lasts all year long.
Jun 2024
Join COCC at the Recycle Colorado Annual Summit in Fort Collins June 3-5. The theme of this year's Summit is "Overcoming Barriers to Circularity." The agenda has an organics track that will include presentations on strategies for increasing compost use in Colorado, assessing compost quality, and an update from Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment (CDPHE) on the organics landfill diversion study mandated by last year's SB23-91 bill. More information and registration can be found by clicking the link.
Jun 2024
Educate and inspire attendees by speaking at the FLCC's 2024 Annual Composter Conference. The event takes place at the Wyndham Grand Orlando Resort Bonnet Creek in Orlando, FL on June 25, 2024. The Florida Composting Council, a Chapter of the US Composting Council fiscally sponsored by Recycle Florida Today, Inc., will join the conference and host their Annual Composter Conference in partnership with Recycle Florida Today’s conference taking place June 24-26! Make plans to participate in theses two events taking place in one great location. Register now!
Sep 2024
This five-day course gives you the knowledge you need to run a successful composting facility, whether you’re just getting started or have been composting for a while. In addition to in-depth lectures by nationally-recognized instructors, you'll gain practical experience through hands-on activities, including a team pile build and monitoring, as well as tours to local facilities, where the theories meet reality. From compost operators to environmental and agricultural consultants to local and state regulators; the COTC is for anyone who wants quality instruction from leading composting professionals and educators on the art and science of commercial-scale compost production and marketing.
Oct 2024
The American Society of Landscape Architecture's annual conference takes place this year from Sunday, October 6 - Wednesday, October 9 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. This landmark event will celebrate the 125-year legacy of the American Society of Landscape Architects while setting sights on the future of the ever-evolving field of landscape architecture. The conference will feature informative sessions, interactive workshops, and engaging discussions led by experts and innovators. Attendees will gain insights into pressing challenges and emerging possibilities, charting the course for a more resilient and equitable world.
Jan 2025
Save the Date! January 27-30, 2025 Phoenix, AZ