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VECAT classroom courses are now open for sign up on the Germanna Community College website (GCC). Classes will be offered live in one location with live streaming available at three additional locations. See the following table for details.
Important Notes: 
1. Class size is limited to 25 individuals per location, so make sure to sign your employees up early to ensure a seat.
2. Enrollment of students must be completed one student at a time so that a unique Germanna ID can be assigned to each student. This ID will be used to access the courses on Germanna’s Blackboard system.
3. To make the sign up process easier, companies can provide Germanna with credit card information to keep on file so that a credit card does not need to be in hand every time a student is enrolled. To set this auto payment option up, please contact Susan Brown at Germanna at 540-891-3012 for further information.
4. Students wishing to take advantage of grant funding for applicable classes must sign up themselves in order to provide a signature on the required promissory note that is part of the WCG funding process. 

If you have additional questions about the course registration process or testing procedures, contact Dave Laraway at 540-937-2902. For all other questions, contact Carter Iseman, VAA Director of Training and Development, at or 804-288-3169.


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