"GOOD BYE" October, "HELLO" December!
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Since the dawn of time, or at least the 1980s, Virginia Asphalt Association's Fall Asphalt Conference has been held the first Monday & Tuesday in October. Beginning in 2018, you will see a shift in the dates of the conference to better accommodate today's more modern paving schedules. "GOOD BYE" October, "HELLO" December! At the October VAA Board of Directors meeting, the board approved moving the 2018 Conference to December 5th and 6th (a Wednesday & Thursday) and updating the name to Virginia Asphalt Conference & Expo.
October is historically a very busy month for industry and VDOT. The number of good weather days are dwindling, so if the sun is shining crews are paving. Therefore, the desire to attend the conference is outweighed by the need to complete projects. By moving the conference to December, the push-pull of paving is greatly minimized – so more people in the asphalt industry (i.e., contractors, consultants, localities and VDOT) have the opportunity to attend.
The Conference will continue to be located at the Richmond Marriott Downtown and the overall conference format will remain the same. The breakout sessions were very popular and will continue in 2018.
Mark your calendars now and plan on attending the Virginia Asphalt Conference and Expo (VACE) on December 5-6, 2018.