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Virginia Hosts Pavement Sustainability Technical Working Group

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Sustainability is the new buzz word in many industries.  The pavement industry is no different.  On November 7th and 8th, the FHWA Pavement Sustainability TWG met in Roanoke, Virginia.  Over 40 participants from across the United States came together for the 14th meeting since 2010.  Attendees were from all aspects of the industry – FHWA, state DOTs, academia, contractors and associations.  The Commonwealth of Virginia was well represented with attendees from VTRC, VDOT and VAA.  The purpose of this TWG is to develop a defensible process to assess the environmental impacts of building and maintaining pavements over their life cycle.  Brian Diefenderfer, Ben Bowers and Celik Ozyildririm of VTRC each made a presentation on sustainability efforts in Virginia.  To learn more about this TWG, please contact the VAA office or VTRC.

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