Innovation: Driving The Future | Register For VACE Today
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In a few short weeks, the Virginia Asphalt Conference and Expo will take place at the Richmond Marriott-Downtown (December 5 and 6). The theme for VACE 2018 is Innovation – Driving the Future. From the keynote speaker, Mr. Ben Brock, President of Astec Industries, to Mrs. Cathy McGhee, Acting Director of Innovation in the Secretary of Transportation’s Office, presentations and discussion will center on innovative approaches and technologies.
Along with the popular Chief Engineer’s panel on Day 1, attendees will hear more about Virginia’s move toward Performance-Based Mix Design (PBMD) from State Materials Engineer Andy Babish and Associate Director of Research - Pavements Kevin McGhee. With the move toward PBMD, some asphalt mixes may incorporate higher percentages of recycled asphalt. Mr. Terry Young of T2ASCO will outline how plants can effectively run higher recycle and make well-performing mixes. One place where innovations are tested and refined is the NCAT Test Track. Dr. Buzz Powell will present on recent findings from the 2015 NCAT Cycle and plans for the 2018 Cycle. The day ends with an attendee reception in the Expo Hall where over 45 companies will be showcasing their goods and services.
A variety of breakout sessions will kick off Day 2. Topics will cover areas of workplace safety, pavement markings, paving schedule development and research/innovations. The afternoon of the conference will welcome the new leadership to VDOT Commissioner Stephen Brich and Deputy Commissioner Rob Cary, and FHWA Virginia Division Administrator Jessie Yung.
Check out the VAA website for more information on the conference and to register. We look forward to seeing you in Richmond.