Class News

*April Field I and II Classes Added*: Due to a high level of interest in the Field I and II classes, additional classes have been added to the 2017 calendar. Field I will be held on Monday/Tuesday April 10-11, and Field II will follow on Tuesday/Wednesday April 11-12. Both classes will be held at Germanna’s Culpeper location only. If you are interested in attending either class, sign up will be available on the Germanna website ( starting Monday, March 13. Both classes are also available at this time for online registration.
*VECAT Plant and Field Videos Are Now on YouTube*: Want to watch the videos from Plant and Field classes but don’t have access to a computer? The VECAT videos used in both classes are now available on YouTube. You can locate these by opening YouTube and entering VECAT in the Search box. There you will find the videos used in both the 2016 and 2017 classes. Please note that watching these on YouTube will not replace taking the courses online through Blackboard. These courses have simply been made available through YouTube for students that don’t have access to a computer but want to study prior to coming to class or taking their exam.
*Availability of 2017 Online Courses*: The 2017 online training classes are now available on Germanna’s website. To locate these courses, go to, then navigate to Workforce Services? Courses and Registration ? Transportation & Motorcycle ? Asphalt Online. Online registration is available for Field I and II, Plant I and II, Surface Treatment and Slurry Seal. Please remember that registration is a two-step process. Students must register and provide payment for the course, then create a student profile to link their Germanna Account to their courses completed. Questions about this process can be directed to Dave Laraway, VECAT Coordinator, at (540) 937-2902, or Susan Brown, GCC enrollment Specialist, at (540) 891-3012.
*New Courses Coming in August 2017*: VECAT is excited to announce the addition of three new courses coming in August 2017. Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) will be held on Tuesday, August 1, followed by Cold Asphalt Recycling – Plant Tuesday, August 2 and Cold Asphalt Recycling – Field on Wednesday, August 3. All three classes will be held at the Germanna Culpeper campus. Keep an eye on the GCC website and this newsletter for further information on these classes and notice of open enrollment. Questions about class can be sent to Carter Iseman at

Hints for Maximizing Class Success:
1. Once enrolled in class, make sure to log in to Blackboard as soon as possible to set up your account (this must be done PRIOR to coming to class).
2. Review all materials on Blackboard that are provided for the class you are taking. This series of presentations and videos have been provided for your benefit to help get you familiar with the material covered in class (exam statistics reflect a higher likelihood of achieving a passing score if these materials are reviewed).
3.Expect to receive and Read ALL communications from Germanna Community College very carefully so as not to miss important details. If you do not have an email address, check with the individual who registered you for class to see if they have received anything on your behalf.
4. Prior to coming to class, verify that you know the proper location and start time so that you do not travel to an incorrect location and miss valuable instruction time (all of this information will be provided to you in an email from VECAT Program Coordinator Dave Laraway).
5. Make sure that you are equipped with the proper tools and/or equipment required for the class you are taking (i.e. simple calculator, steel toed shoes, etc.).
6. Get lots of rest the night before class. These classes contain a lot of information and there is a lot of sitting time. You need a fresh and rested brain to give you the best chance possible at success come exam time.