Thrasher Picked as Richmond District Engineer
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Commissioner Charles Kilpatrick, P.E., announced that Bart A. Thrasher, P.E., will be the agency’s new Richmond District Engineer.
"I’m pleased to announce that Bart A. Thrasher, P.E., will be leading VDOT’s Richmond District," said Kilpatrick. "He brings extensive skills in pioneering solutions to address transportation challenges across the Commonwealth."
Thrasher will be responsible for the construction, maintenance and operations of approximately 18,700 lane miles of roads in the Richmond District’s 14 counties: Amelia, Brunswick, Charles City, Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico (except secondary system), Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, New Kent, Nottoway, Powhatan and Prince George.
Thrasher brings over 22 years of experience from both the private and public sectors. He began his career with VDOT in 1997 as a transportation engineer trainee and since that time has served in several leadership roles in various capacities. Thrasher moved to Richmond District’s Sandston Residency in 1998 as a construction inspector. In 2000, he became a transportation engineer in the Location and Design Division working on the Springfield Interchange project while in both the Northern Virginia District and Central Office. In 2004, Thrasher was selected as Location and Design Division’s State Geometric Engineer and became the Assistant State Location and Design Engineer in 2008.
Most recently, he served as the state location and design engineer. As state location and design engineer, Thrasher was responsible for the planning, implementation and oversight of VDOT’s statewide project management and pre-construction activities. His design and construction knowledge ranges from land development and secondary road systems to complex arterial and interstate interchanges.
Thrasher holds a bachelor of science and masters of business administration degrees from Old Dominion University as well as a bachelor of arts degree from Emory and Henry College. He is a graduate of the Virginia Executive Institute and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials’ (AASHTO) National Transportation Management Institute.
Thrasher is a member of the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHTO) Subcommittee on Design as well as AASHTO’s Technical Committee on Geometric Design. He has been co-author of various chapters of the past two editions of AASHTO’s Green Book and is also a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Subcommittee on Geometric Design.
Virginia Department of Transportation
Press Release: April 4, 2017
Contact: Marshall M. Herman 804.692.2134; Lindsay LeGrand 804.524.6179