NAPA Paving for Performance: Designed to Perform

NAPA’s Paving for Performance: Design to Perform Conference is taking place October 11-13, 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia. Early bird registration has been extended through Friday September 22. FHWA is offering travel assistance for state DOTs through a joint cooperative agreement.
Designing for performance helps you create a high-quality, cost-effective, optimized design, which when paired with best practices in construction, yields the ultimate goal — superior asphalt pavements.
Learning Objectives:
1.Learn how specific mixture and design philosophies can improve a pavement’s life cycle costs by improving performance.
2.Engage with case studies from contractors who have optimized plant operations to use RAP and RAS and rejuvenators without sacrificing mixture quality.
3.Exchange knowledge with peers from across the nation on topics that impact customer
satisfaction and your business' bottom line.
For complete information click on the links below.