Ilker Boz Joins VTRC
VAA would like to welcome Ilker Boz to the Virginia Transportation Research Council. Ilker joined VTRC in May 2018. He came to VTRC after working for just over a year as a Research Associate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Michigan State. Ilker completed his graduate work (Masters and Ph.D.) at Penn State, after working several years as a Civil Engineer in Turkey and briefly as a Research Engineer with the Texas Pavement Preservation Center in Austin.
Ilker’s graduate research topics ranged from characterizing asphalt concrete and RAP binder properties to the design of cement-stabilized full-depth reclaimed mixtures. At Michigan State, he studied the performance of chip seals, work he expects to continue at VTRC. In addition to the broader study of pavement preservation, Ilker will also be supporting Virginia’s move toward performance-based asphalt mixture design and acceptance, as well as ongoing work to develop process control and acceptance tests for cold recycled pavements.