VDOT’s Materials Division recently issued two Materials Division memoranda: MD 418-18 and MD 419-18. The first memorandum outlines the changes to the Secondary and Subdivision Pavement Design Guide. The main revision allows the use of recycled materials in the pavement structure. This will be beneficial in urban areas where excessive amounts of recycled asphalt pavement exist. On private development projects, the use of cold recycled asphalt materials will aid the owners in achieving green credits in different rating systems. The second revision removes the use of StreetPave as the concrete design procedure and replaced it with the 1993 AASHTO Pavement Design Guide.
The second MD issued by the Materials Division was an update to the Manual of Instructions Section 604.02. The table with Minimum and Maximum material lift thicknesses was eliminated. If you have any questions regarding these Memoranda, please contact Mr. Affan Habib at 804-328-3129.