MEB Contractors has been accepted into the Virginia BEST Level 1. As a Virginia BEST Level 1 company, they have demonstrated effective safety and health management systems that meet or exceed performance-based criteria.
Virginia Best is one of several OSHA cooperative programs that encourage private and public sector efforts to improve safety and health in the commercial construction industry. Through Virginia BEST, OSHA recognizes workplaces with excellent safety and health management systems and promotes them as model workplaces.
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L-R: Trip Smith (MEB) Vice Chairman Elect; Gordon Dixon (AGCVA CEO); Bruce Tibbetts (EMC) Chairman; and Kirk Adams (Riddleberger) Vice Chairman
Leadership from chapters across the country met in Washington, D.C., for AGC’s annual National and Chapter Leadership Conference (NCLC). Members convened to learn how they can best serve their chapters and to discuss the importance of continuing their leadership roles in AGC of America. Members attended breakout sessions, received a legislative and regulatory update, and heard from U.S. Congressman Rick Allen, a former AGC chapter president, on the importance of seeking leadership roles within the organization and how to best engage lawmakers on industry related issues. Chapter leaders took to Capitol Hill to meet with their state’s lawmakers to advocate for AGC’s priority federal issues: workforce development, infrastructure investment, and immigration reform.
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ACE has engaged various local governments from around the Commonwealth.
On September 24th, ACE had its third Joint Owner Forum of 2019, sixth overall, in Arlington. This year, we have engaged various local governments from around the Commonwealth. Forum Panel Reps: City of Alexandria; Arlington Public Schools; Counties of Prince William; Fairfax and Loudoun.
The next forum will take place on Wednesday, November 13 in Roanoke with Southwest Virginia area local governments.
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Young Construction Leaders understand the importance of their involvement in our workforce efforts.
The inaugural AGCVA Young Construction Leaders Conference began on Friday, September 20, 2019. Gordon Dixon, AGCVA CEO welcomed the attendees, followed by the groups self-introductions.
The group networked learned about personalities and how to manage them on the jobsite and got a peak into the future of the construction industry.
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The Roanoke District participated in the Virginia Career Works, CAREER QUEST, a first time event for 5,000 7th graders. They got to visit with over 40 businesses in 16 different career paths.
It was a wonderful opportunity for us, AGCVA/BYF (Build Your Future) to showcase some of the trades in our industry. We partnered up with F & S Building Innovations to have a joint experience for these students. Rob Leonard (F & S Building Innovations) is our Workforce Chairman. He came up with 3 super hands on activities that allowed us to talk about some of the industry trades. It was a real learning experience and valuable exposure. In one activity that Rob Leonard assisted in was the students could choose their hardware to hammer into a large block of wood another Courtney Baker (AGCVA Workforce Manager) assisted with a measuring game where lengths were pre-measured and marked.
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This is the first in what is expected to be an annual series of special Constructor issues looking at how the industry is evolving and sharing what contractors need to know to keep pace with those changes. The transformations coming to our industry will be sweeping, and we want to make sure that member firms understand what is happening and how to benefit from those changes.
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