Big I Virginia E-News
May 2019

Representing all generations

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I used to work for a association where the state president wanted to dictate his board report “to my girl”…who just happened to be our accountant and I told him he’d have to dictate his report to me.  At the same time, we had a treasurer who told me that he would not come to the office, “just e-mail me the financial statements.”

Then last week I checked into the hotel in DC for the legislative conference and the gentleman at the registration desk asked if I had my “Bonvoy” number.  I told him that I had my Marriott Awards number and gave it to him.  He couldn’t find the number until he put in my zip code and found our office and my listing.  He asked where I got the number from and if “I signed up for the number on-line?”  I told him that I signed up for that number before the Internet was even invented and I was proud to have that number.  He seemed genuinely perplexed, confused and shocked that you could sign up for something before the Internet was invented.

Some of the technology that we have at our fingertips could be totally foreign to some of our clients.  Moreover, for some, our perspective of customer/member service can be foreign to others in our workplace who don’t understand how something could happen without the Internet.  Heaven only knows how business was conducted before the phone call/mail/Fed Ex/Fax….

I once had a member call and ask how they could get their staff off of their email/cell phones and get some work done?  I also heard a legislator say at a hearing that they didn’t want any mail and that anything important should be emailed or text to them.  We’re all different.  How we receive our information is personal.  Do you have in your database how someone likes to be communicated with?

IIAV is moving to a new database where YOU can tell us what information you want to receive and how you want to receive it.  Other parts of this new technology is going to be exciting….and scary. 

Just be aware – for  those new to the profession/industry…yes, we did business before the Internet was invented and we were quite effective – and for those “seasoned” professionals….yes when people are texting each other they very well may be communicating very effectively.  

How do you communicate with your mix of clients?

Robert N. Bradshaw, Jr., MAM
IIAV President & CEO

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