Big I Virginia E-News
December 2019

Tis the Season ...

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Tis the season….

As you’re getting ready for the holiday season and year end renewals, we’re getting ready for the legislature. There is a dramatic change in the leadership of the legislature in both the House and Senate, I’m sure we have some fun politics to deal with during the upcoming session.

Already we’ve seen some pretty ugly legislation introduced for the new session. Delegate Lee Carter’s Worker’s Compensation legislation and Senator Chap Peterson’s “bad faith” bills are back. With the new makeup of the legislature, there’s no telling what will happen with these legislative initiatives. Other issues of interest will be coming up, including cyber security, distracted driving and surprise billing. It doesn’t look like we’ll be bored.

So, to let you know, Joe Hudgins and I may seem out of pocket from January through March, but you can find us downtown at the legislature. Why don’t you come visit? And don’t hesitate to come to the legislature on February 5, 2020, for Insurance Day on the Hill. While we will be certainly promoting the distracted driving proposal, it’s a great time to not only meet your delegate and senator but to also wave the independent agent flag. 

Don’t forget, one the legislature starts, you’ll receive updates on initiatives and what’s going on, the first of every week. This is a long session so they will be working on a budget for the next two years and will not be scheduled to adjourn until the second week in March – 60 days.

We’re at the legislature so you don’t have to be. There will be a lot of political initiatives that we hope to avoid but we don’t want the legislation of interest to you and our industry to suffer as a result. We’ll have new committees and new legislators to introduce ourselves to, so we plan to hit the ground running.

That said, on behalf of the IIAV staff, I wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season and productive New Year – and a smooth renewal season – and all the best that can come your way.  We appreciate your membership and thank you for your confidence.


Robert N. Bradshaw, Jr., MAM
IIAV President & CEO

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