Big I Virginia E-News
June 2020

Trusted Choice® Announces New Preferred Web Partners

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Trusted Choice® has partnered with five industry-leading web service providers to give members a variety of options of vendors to utilize the Marketing Reimbursement Program (MRP)

Big “I" members are eligible for $500 to pay for web services with any of our preferred partners, which include: ITC, Forge 3, Advisor Evolved, Titan Web and Marketing 360. Collectively, these vendors offer websites that range from simple DIY options to full-service top-of-the-line products with advanced features and capabilities. Discounts and special pricing beyond the MRP are available for all members.

To schedule a demo or for more information, members can visit the Preferred Partner landing page. Also, consider reminding members about receiving a Trusted Choice Digital Review, especially as websites are now more important to doing business than ever.

For questions about either of these programs, please contact Joseph Cox.