Big I Virginia E-News
April 2024

Workplace Q&A: Our power went out midway through our regular shift. We waited a couple of hours to see if it would come back on but eventually sent our employees home for the day. How much time do we need to pay them?

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Q: We have an account manager who excels in her role but tends to be overly critical with her direct reports, lacking in support for their development. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

A:It's common to prioritize corrective feedback, but neglect positive reinforcement, which is equally crucial. One effective technique is the Ten Penny Challenge. Ask your manager to put 10 pennies in her right-hand pocket. Tell her that her job is to give her direct reports positive feedback.  Each time she does so, she places one penny from her right-hand pocket into her left pocket.  Tell her that at the end of each day, it is your expectation that she will have worked all of the pennies from her right pocket into her left one, thereby forcing her to focus on giving positive, supportive, and effective feedback to her employees. 

You may want to start out with just five pennies if she’s not practiced in giving positive feedback.  However, if managing people is her core responsibility, then working through 10 pennies a day should be her primary objective!

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