An Argument for Health Care "Cost" Reform!

The following was submitted to the Richmond Times Dispatch for op-ed publication. The billboard referenced is a visible message of what’s wrong with health care reform today and an indictment of those simply looking at health insurance reform to the exclusion of the other cost factors that are dramatically increasing those costs. In short, patient visits to the emergency room are probably the most expensive utilization of health care providers – and the billboard certainly appears to promote inappropriate utilization.

Henrico Drs' Hospital’s billboard on I-64 is a strong argument for health care reform. The billboard has a digital clock that purports to be the current waiting time in the emergency room and states, "ER wait times you can trust."

A significant cost of health care is the enormous public cost associated with the non- or under-insured using the ER as their primary care physician. In which case it’s the taxpayer and the insured that ultimately pay the bill through higher costs.

The billboard is indicative of the many cost factors associated with health care that have not been addressed in the federal proposals. This billboard clearly promotes ER utilization for situations that may not be an emergency.

Does Henrico Drs' truly mean that if I am gravely injured in an accident my ambulance driver should divert me to a different hospital if the "time I can count on" isn’t at an acceptable level? What’s the liability for drivers if they see the billboard and a long wait time and I’m not transported to a different hospital? Or is the time provided for my convenience, inviting me to just swing by on the way to the golf course?

I run a business that has faced significant increases in our health care premiums. We have been looking at all of our options to control costs. In addition, our organization represents independent insurance agents who seek to provide the best possible insurance plans for individuals and small businesses. In other words, we’re very sensitive to what’s driving up health care costs.

Henrico Drs' is not only sending the wrong message but flaunting their role in the health care crisis. We urge them to help control health care costs and not cause them to go even higher.




Robert N. Bradshaw Jr., MAM
President & CEO

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia