Certificates of Insurance Information/Resources

The Big "I" staff has done extensive work on certificates of insurance to date, and, with the recent ACORD changes, it would appear more is to come in this area.

Members seeking general information on certificates of insurance may be interested in the following:

  1. Sept. 29, 2007 IIABA Policy Statement on Certificates
  2. March 2008, IIABA/Virtual University White Paper on Certificates of Insurance
  3. 2010 IIABA Model Law on Certificates of Insurance

All of the above resources and more (articles, newsletters, podcasts and webinars) are available on the Big "I" Virtual University, Certificates of Insurance Resource Section, accessed by logging in as a member to www.independentagent.com. Also, since laws and regulations for certificates are state-specific, members should contact their state association for more information as needed. As another value-added benefit of membership, Big "I" members can ask specific questions about this issue through the Ask an Expert service on the Virtual University site at www.independentagent.com/vu. Members needing access to up-to-date ACORD forms can obtain them as part of the services offered via the Big "I" Virtual Risk Consultant at www.independentagent.com/vrc.

Debra Perkins (debra.perkins@iiaba.net) is Big "I" executive vice president and general counsel. Paul Buse (paul.buse@iiaba.net) is president of Big "I" Advantage® and a licensed p-c agent. Bill Wilson (bill.wilson@iiaba.net) is Big "I" associate vice president, Big "I" Virtual University.

Reprinted with permission from IIABA's IN&V dated 12/9/2010.

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia