Stakeholder Liaison presents: Virtual Small Business Forum for Virginia Small Businesses

September 12, 2017, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

A FREE business forum via the WebEx webinar system

Please join us to learn about IRS tax tools for business owners, how to get accreditation by the Better Business Bureau, resources from the Small Business Administration and tips on how to protect yourself from tax identity theft from the IRS Criminal Investigation Division.

There will be a short Q&A after the presentations.

Join us at the attached link and then join audio via computer or your personal phone. This is free to small business leadership, owners and tax practitioners.

If you have questions, please contact Anna Falkenstein at

Note: Join the link 5-10 minutes before webinar starts.

Start the Meeting
You may get a message to allow temporary access to WebEx in order to join the meeting. Audio can be linked on the computer or via cell phone after you join the meeting.

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia