Insurance Journal's Academy of Insurance September Webinars

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Basic Personal Insurance Course- 8-part series (Oct 3, 5, 10, 12)
(previously held dates: Sept 19, 21, 26, 28)
Instructor: Patrick Wraight
If you're new to the insurance industry, this course was designed for you. Over four weeks, we will walk you through some basic concepts in personal insurance, including different careers in the industry, some insurance history and basics, and different coverage forms you will encounter. This eight-hour investment in yourself is worth everything that you will put into it.

Interview Right or Else Hire Wrong
Instructor: Kathy Ryan
People are your greatest organizational asset, so it naturally follows that hiring decisions are the most critical choices you can make. Too often these decisions are fueled by the need to fill the position quickly, rather than a commitment to hire the right person for the job. Most problems managers face can be traced back to selecting the wrong people or inheriting people who are in the wrong job. The extra time you put into the selection process will pay huge dividends in terms of productivity, morale and performance because you’ve selected the right people in the first place.

2017 ISO PAP Changes
Instructor: Bill Wilson
Despite what consumers are lead to believe with much of auto insurance advertising, price is not the only difference between insurance products. In the marketplace, there are significant differences between auto insurance policies among insurers. In fact, even for the "same” policy, coverage differences can arise with new edition dates of the same policy form. ISO plans to introduce a revised edition of their Personal Auto Policy (PAP) in 2017. This webinar intends to examine the differences from ISO’s 2005 edition, as well as providing examples of how the ISO form differs from others in the marketplace. Also, as time permits, critical often uninsured exposures will be presented.

Using CAT Models to Develop Liability Pricing
Instructor: Joe Harrington
We know how to estimate the impact of the "next Andrew,” thanks to property catastrophe modeling. But what about the "next asbestos?” In recent years, researchers have made great strides in developing catastrophe modeling for liability risks. As a result, insurers and reinsurers can begin to price liability exposures they may have reflexively excluded in the past.

Contact Carter Lyons at if you have any questions.


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