It’s Already Been a Hot and Active Summer

Generally speaking, once a fiscal year ends and we send out our membership renewals, that’s a real basis for determining a “performance review” on the previous year. If we did well and met the expectations of the members, then we could hope and expect their renewal. If not, then we deserve to lose the membership. membership. 

This year hasn’t particularly been very different but the fear of the unknown is daunting. The economy is in dire straits and it’s anyone’s guess how this is all going to flesh out. As of mid-August, 31.3 million people were receiving unemployment and barely 40% of the jobs lost to the coronavirus have been recovered.  Small and local businesses will be hurting or worse. Anecdotally, we hear about businesses that are closing, especially restaurants. 

It is in these uncertain times that independent agents need their trade associations the most. Tell me one thing that is NOT changing — often on an almost daily basis. The Governor announces new safety measures required of ALL businesses ... what does that mean? Over 400 law suits have been filed and from what I hear, that’s only the tip of the iceberg ... what does that mean? The legislature is going to be meeting in special session next week and it could be a free-for-all on “interesting” legislation ... what does that mean? Parents are being torn on no-win decisions on whether to send their children to school or keep them home for virtual learning or homeschooling ... what does that mean for businesses? There are new laws and regulations from the DOL, VDH and Congress that impact ALL businesses ... what does that mean? I could go on.

I was part of a recent Zoom conference panel for Engineering News Record and one of the contractors on the panel indicated that they needed help separating fact from fiction and important information from nonsense, as they’re just trying to operate their construction business in a vastly new environment. For IIAV members, I believe we have been trying to do the same thing. If you have visited our COVID Resource Page on the website, you’ll see that we have tried to provide resources from credible sources, and data and information from experts on a wide range of issues. I can safely say that IIAV’s staff have responded to thousands of questions from members — and they keep coming.

I’ve always said that I don’t want IIAV to be the association that’s easy to delete. Many associations send out way too many emails and way too little information. Everything IIAV sends out has a purpose and we’re trying to do better with segmenting our membership individuals so you “only get the information you need” (I’ve heard a similar phrase recently).

That said, IIAV is an extension of your staff. Keep the calls coming. We work for YOU! These days the questions are wide-ranging and we’re dedicated to getting you the information you need, quickly.

Thank you for your membership. We know you expect a lot and believe that you deserve it. We’re here to help.

Robert N. Bradshaw, Jr., MAM
IIAV President & CEO

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia