It’s Been an Honor Serving You ... But 2020 – Good Riddance!

Ok, 2020 has now become one of my least favorite years. It certainly started off on a bad foot with the passing of my father in the middle of the legislative session but frankly, I’m not sure how he would have handled the craziness of this year. So, blessing in disguise? 

Following the session, this strange thing called COVID-19 hit and it was all encompassing and remains to this day. Frankly, I’ve been surprised that even this past week we have received questions from agency members with personnel issues related to COVID.

If we are to be judged by the measure of our response and ability to assist our members, then I encourage the measurement. IIAV’s staff was exemplary: immediately responding to questions; responding to regulatory and Executive Orders; posting answers to questions on BI, quarantine, work from home, commercial auto, Work Comp, general office procedures; and this new thing called Zoom. 

How many of us seriously thought about conducting business virtually in January 2020? Only one agency I can think of, but they’re in Connecticut. You have to admit, that agency is the poster child of success though. 

We’ve always thought of ourselves as the extension of our members’ office and this became clearly apparent this year. I believe that IIAV responded quicker and with more resolve than any other association that I have seen — both inside and outside the insurance industry. 

If at any point you believe that IIAV dropped the ball this year, I’d really like to know. While I believe we demonstrated that we could juggle with many balls in the air AND drink from a firehose at full blast, it could very well be that I’m too close to the fire and missed some issues, thoughts and concerns. Please let us/me know how we can serve this dynamic and ever changing industry better by sending me an email at

So here comes 2021! A new federal administration and a virtual legislature like we’ve never seen before.  And of course, COVID will continue to occupy our thoughts. On this note, I hope that you and yours remain safe and well, and that we can get the vaccines soon. I for one want to see you again and especially in Virginia Beach at the Marriott Oceanfront next June. We all deserve some time with our toes in the sand.

Happy Holidays and we all at IIAV wish you a profitable New Year!

Bob Bradshaw – IIAV President & CEO

I heard somewhere….”Education costs money, but then so does ignorance.”  Statistician Claus Moser, quoted on

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia