August? Say it isn’t true!

Summer just can’t be over yet! I refuse to accept it, but it is just so darn hot.  A touch of fall wouldn’t hurt right now. Of course, I heard this morning about tropical storm Fred. The storms are coming! Get ready!

During the staff meeting this morning, the VFSC staff indicated that they were working on November E&O policy renewals and would soon start looking at December. They are also contacting members to make sure they have comprehensive cyber insurance policies for their agency. Small agencies appear to be “low hanging fruit” for some hackers, and it has us very concerned.

The education department reviewed a new pre-licensing preparation program for future agents to take at their own time and leisure – Exam FX. If you find someone that  you want to get licensed this is a perfect program and appears to provide a number of different learning formats. Of course, IIAV will continue to do our in-person classes or Zoom classes, but Exam FX is a great addition and is listed on our website.

The education department is looking at a number of on-demand education programs and is also working on effectively on-boarding new professionals to your agency. Some exciting developments are coming your way.

The communications department is working on the next Big I Virginia magazine, and it’s going to blow your socks off. I'm very excited about the market data you will see highlighted. Of course, they also reminded me I needed to do this article for the newsletter.

I’ve been working on more legislative and regulatory issues sooner than I expected and am hoping and praying for a non-virtual legislature in 2022.

We’ve been putting together the best darn industry convention of the year. There will be high level speakers for everyone in your agency – principals, producers and account managers. And October will be a great time to visit Virginia Beach. Sign up now on the IIAV website –

September traditionally brings the opening to the political season, so I know you’re looking for even more political advertisements. And remember, all 100 members seats of the House of Delegates are up for election/re-election this year. We’ve been attending fundraisers for our friends and making some visits to discuss issues that affect our industry. Don’t forget to introduce yourself to your local delegate. Get to know them.

So it’s August. Schools are beginning to start and some people are taking last minute vacations. Just remember that the IIAV staff is hard at work, and if you need us, we’re just a phone call away.  

Hope you had a great Summer!

Robert N. Bradshaw, Jr., MAM

IIAV President & CEO

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia