IIAV wants you!

I know it sounds trite, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “You get more out of being involved than what you put into it.” And yet it’s true, because I hear it over and over again. And why not — when you meet with high level professionals and hear their thoughts, issues and concern, you can’t help but get a lot out of the exchange. Frankly, one of the things I really enjoy about working with IIAV is the opportunity to hear Doug Palais, IIAV’s general counsel, talk about legal issues facing the insurance industry at board meetings.  

As we enter a new fiscal year for the association, I encourage you to get involved. And yes, we work and transition through a committee process but again, it’s associated with some great industry professionals and leaders. There are any number of interest areas, and if you don’t see one or believe that there’s an areas that IIAV is overlooking, please let me know. But the following committees are looking for your input:

Then of course, there are the boards of directors for IIAV’s ongoing policies and governing representation.   The board for the Virginia Financial Services Corporation that reviews IIAV’s E&O program and makes sure it meets the needs of the membership and the primary board for IIAV with representative members form across the state.

Yes, we want you! If you’ve had an interest in contributing back to the industry and profession, IIAV involvement is a  good way to accomplish that mission. Contact us today if you’re interested in participating with the greatest group of industry professional and leaders today ... we know you’re one of them.

Robert N. Bradshaw, Jr., MAM

IIAV President & CEO

Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia