Welcome to Our New Members!

Work At Home Vintage Experts is a one-of-a-kind contract staffing provider that has two talent solutions to help solve agency and company talent needs. They bring together pretiring vintage professionals and businesses to create a win-win: companies get highly skilled workers with the exact talent they need, and retiring workers get to continue their career while working from home. They also offer, Brainwahve which is a game-changing applicant qualifying system that helps businesses recruit and hire the most qualified and diverse talent, reducing cost and significantly improving speed to hire.
Wahve was formed in 2010 as a solution to help the insurance industry keep its retiring talent. They have evolved to help the industry not only keep its talent but qualify the right talent for better and more diverse hires.

They believe the insurance industry offers a great career with purpose and are committed to supporting the industry’s talent initiatives including the Young Agents Initiative and the CPCU Society Good Works Projects.


Their vision and mission is to make a positive difference in all that they do and to improve the efficiency of the clients they serve by working together to achieve the collective interests.  They are driven by their conviction to help improve their clients’ business. With the current labor market there has never been a better time than right now to do business with WAHVE. In becoming a member of the IIAV they will offer a “50% member only discount” to all of our agency members on their one-time set up fee.


They feel being a member of the IIAV will allow them to become more engaged with the Insurance community and help them build on their branding, name recognition in Virginia as well as build strong relationships with the Virginia insurance industry.   


Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia